Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More pluses than minuses for using LinkedIn

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:EfMEtqhFmlwmXM:http://hdunnett.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/linkedin.jpg So a friend of mine who does marketing-communications-PR in North Carolina Tweeted today about his displeasure at the social media platform LinkedIn. Asking him to elaborate, here's what he told me:

In my opinion it's [sic] format is a bit archaic in terms of social media platforms. Actually, this just came to mind and I think it nails it. Every time I turn around they are suggesting I use the paid system... which I DO NOT want to do. Also, from a conversation standpoint it's always about making a sale or getting a job. Both require a pitch of some sort and aren't great starters for building long term relationships. That's just a quick thought.

Now, my experience from LinkedIn has been positive thus far. I haven't received that job offer yet from it, but it is providing welcomed networking opportunities. Of course, networking here in Las Vegas is vastly different than networking in North Carolina.

I posed this dilemma to LoriBeth Dalton, a Las Vegas-based career development expert. Her thoughts on LinkedIn contrast greatly:

Each social media platform has its place, each one is unique and different. There’s no redundancy. Linkedin is important in terms of finding key decision-makers and thought leaders in your industry. So if you are a PR person, or no matter what industry you work in, the purpose of LinkedIn is to find thought leaders, engage with them, ask questions in the groups. It is not a "job seeker website," but rather it is a site to find people in your industry and pick their brains. The real power of LinkedIn is in the groups.

Dalton adds that one would be missing a tremendous opportunity to connect with thought leaders if you're NOT on LinkedIn.

So there you go.

E.C. :)

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