Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tweeting twice? I may have been a little guilty of this because I've been spreading the word (via Twitter) about Communications Express, and this week's launch of this new blog.

Now comes my friend Ryan Shell of Greensboro, NC. A marketing-PR executive at an area credit union, Shell talks about Tweeting information twice.

Shell (via his blog):

One of the great things about Twitter is the vast amount of information that can be shared and the speed at which it flows. On the flip side, couldn’t that almost be a negative for a business? For instance, let’s say that company X sends a Tweet about Y at 10 am, but you aren’t online or the speed of the stream causes you to miss the information.

To try and combat this problem Company X could send a second tweet about Y at 2 pm (times are just an example). They have now increased the chance that you, and others that may have missed the original tweet, will at least be able to see the info that is being shared.

I'll solicit comments on this too.

E.C. :)

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